The Vegan Oven

Sunday, August 24, 2008

its starting to smell fishy

Another childhood food memory of mine is eating fish sticks. And believe it or not, I've been wanting some lately. So after searching through some recipes I found one that seemed easy and tasty enough. I found this recipe at:

We had to use a few substitutes as we went along. The first was for the kelp granules. We searched for this at a couple stores and only found an empty container for kelp powder. So as a substitute we crushed up nori, seemed to work just fine. Our second substitute was that we did not have a blender or food chopper on hand. So what better way to compromise than to throw all the dry ingredients into a bag and blend by hand.

This also made it easy to cover the tofu pieces with the mix. We just dipped them into the soy milk, tossed them into the bag, shook it up, and wham!

The recommended width for each fish stick, or piece of tofu, was just under 1/2 inch. Try to get as close to this as possible. If the pieces end up a bit thicker just keep them in the oven for about 10 minutes longer. We did 15 minutes for each side, a little longer for the thicker ones.

These really tasted like fish sticks!!! So good. I'm a ketchup gal myself and use ketchup with everything, so that's what we dipped them in. Use whatever sauce you'd like with these tasty sticks.

Since we were in the kitchen we decided to fry up some corn dogs as well. We used the small smart dogs for this.

Can't say I'd change anything about these bad boys.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

made these fishsticks the other night! awesomeness!!! I wanna make vegan tartar sauce next time!


September 3, 2008 at 2:15 PM  

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