The Vegan Oven

Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Forget the Dogs

I'm very big on making sure my dogs have a healthy diet. I keep them on a vegetarian dog food and vegan dog treats. Normally I purchase the treats but recently I ran out and living an hour away from the nearest store that carries the treats I opted to bake my own.

I've done this in the past but I think I will make it a habit to always do this. It's incredibly easy to make your own treats and you can control what goes into them. Dogs, like humans, have different kinds of food allergies so it's nice to be able to make something custom for your pet.

Luckily the pugs do not have any current food allergy that I know of so I made oatmeal peanut butter bars. I also plan to make these dipped in carob or with a carob drizzle. I did not have any wheat flour today but that is what I normally use in dog treats. I added some parsley for fresh breathe! Lady did a special dance for these treats, no joke. She stood on her back legs and did a little tap dance jig.

I tried these treats myself and while a little bland I have to say I'd eat another.

I would love to take special orders on dog treas and such. Jack's birthday is coming up so expect to see something special for him :)




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