The Vegan Oven

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Treats

So everyone knows that with the holidays come lots of treats. Growing up I had two favorites for Christmas, homemade decorated sugar cookies and Candy Cane pie from Village Inn. The Candy Cane pie is actually a richer version of the French Silk pie, which I also craved every year. I haven't had either pies in over 8 years or so, so this year I decided to change that. Vegan Candy Cane Pie!!!!

I actually found this pretty easy to make. I hadn't thought to buy the ingredients till the day before Christmas Eve though, and if you were out and about you would know that the grocery stores were packed!! So I didn't get one ingredient that I wanted but it actually turned out just how I wanted. My family loved it too, agreeing that it tasted like the beloved Village Inn pie. Beware, it's quite rich.

I also made the PB Chocolate pie. I made it for Thanksgiving, see Thanksgiving blog below, and my Grandpa has been looking forward to it ever since. So I gave him some extra to take home.
I used soyatoo! soy whip, which though expensive proves to be yummy.
On to the cookies! I'm down to keep my cookies looking the same every year. I have the same cookie cutters that we used when I was growing up, so I'm going to keep this tradition going. This year I had Eddy help me decorate them. I think we did a pretty good job :)



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